Radicale Civics

This is a piece of work developed by Dark Matter Labs and Shift with an Emerging Futures Fund grant. The report can be read in full here.

Radicle Civics aims to explore alternative approaches for organising the future, focusing on pathways which encourage distributed agency and participation from a super-diverse public to challenge concentrations of power and responsibility. We’re extending an invitation to experiment, and partake in conversations which question and reimagine the assumptions underpinning accounting, money formation, agreements, registries, identity systems, laws or institutions; to collaborate on propositional and positive visions for the future.

As we seek to nurture the emerging shoots and infrastructural roots of our future societies, expanding the horizon of both the possible and necessary, many of the perceived boundaries we face are top-down, imaginary, or artificial constructs. We exist in an unbounded world inhabited by diverse autonomous agents, be they humans, future humans and non-humans – trees, rivers, mountains.

This future invites us all to unconstitute and reconstitute society – building a new practice of civic infrastructures that embrace emerging possibilities, recognise our interdependence and enable all beings to thrive in a safe and just space.”


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